Thursday, October 06, 2005

October 6: The Bent of Regeneration

Wow! Although I've read this passage several times before, the deep message never sunk in before today...."Redemption means that Jesus Christ can put into any man the hereditary disposition that was in Himself. ....The moral miracle of Redemption is that God can put into me a new disposition whereby I can live a totally new life."

Chew on this for a little bit.

James Dobson, a famous Christian child psychologist, as well as many others, teach that a child's basic disposition is set after nine years of age. Therefore, one who adopts an older child must realize that any means of discipline and instruction will have limited effect unless that child chooses to change and lets Jesus help him.

What Chambers is saying is analogous to adoptive parents being able to take their moral upbringing and values of integrity and being able to just "pour"them into the child like some sort of medicine. Of course there would be many more adoptions if people knew the child could be programed to suddenly possess the values of the new family! Alas, this is simply not possible.

But, praise the Lord, it IS possible to all of humanity through Jesus! What a great thought with which to begin the day!!

Jesus, we already knew You are a miracle worker, but this lesson really visualizes the depth of Your power. May we be willing to let You transform every part of us, too, until Christ be formed in [us].


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