Saturday, December 03, 2005

December 3: Not By Might Nor By Power

Today in My Utmost for His Highest:

Dear Jesus, I'm a bit confused about this statement: "God puts His disapproval on human experience when we begin to adhere to the conception that sanctification is merely an experience, and forget that sanctification itself has to be sanctified." Does that mean that even as Christians, we humans so need to feel in control that we want to feel superior spiritually by racing to have more Biblical knowledge and the most clearly spoken "exposition" of our own beliefs? I shakes me up a bit to realize that my true motive of getting to know You better can have the side effect of making me a righteous-sounding, but prideful, spiritual snob. Therefore, I pray earnestly that You will teach us to hear Your instructions and corrections to keep this from happening. If we steadfastly strive to keep our focus on You, we can lead others to Reality!

Many of the children of my heart will be traveling today and tomorrow. Please keep them safe at the GSH reunion and especially afterwards. May they use wisdom in all they do.


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