Tuesday, December 20, 2005

December 20: The Right Lines of Work

Today in My Utmost for His Highest: http://www.myutmost.org/12/1220.html

Dear Jesus, As I read today's reading, I was overcome with a sense of how much Christians need the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Yes, we always need to proclaim You and the sacrifice that You made on the cross. But when? to whom? how? There have been times when I knew that I needed to be totally bold in asserting the Good News; there have been other times when I knew I needed to just ask the right questions so that the seeker could have the privilege of discovering You for themself. There have also been times when I tried to "make" someone believe, and You apparently weren't directing me at all, so they just got mad.

Once again, the key is our own personal relationship with You! The more we know You, the easier it is to hear Your voice and follow the precise directions of the Holy Spirit. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people will be eternally impacted, either for good or for bad, by the depth of our discipleship. Remind us that it is not just our own salvation that is at stake!!


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