Thursday, September 08, 2005

September 8: Do It Yourself (Determinedly Demolish Some Things)

Well, I needed this one.

Remember those prior lessons where Chambers tell us that we must instantly obey whenever we hear a directive from the Lord or we lose our intimacy with Him? Today's lesson reminds me that obedience is a decision to fight whatever is in the way of that compliance, even if it is my most formidable enemy - MYSELF!

This is kind of embarrassing to admit, but it is the quickest way to illustrate the point. Ever since I was a child, I have been prone to daydream. Now, these are definitely "G" rated episodes - scenarios that I might even write in a novel one day - but they are sometimes an act of disobedience. My argument with myself (no, really with God) is that this is innocent, so how could it be a barrier between Jesus and me. The answer is actually simple -- all the time I spend imagining the next "chapter" is time that is not spent praying, and that is what Jesus asks me to do.

Jesus, help me to internalize these wise words of your servant, Oswald Chambers. Let me gird myself for battle against my wily opponent - my own imagination. Empower me to release the keys to this kingdom of my heart and let You become the landlord, trusting that You will control how I use this aspect of the creativity You placed within me. As for the children on my heart, may they also use their considerable talents in the ways that You planned. As I bring each of them to mind, I pray that the world will be blessed as they sumbit to Your leadership and Your plan.


Blogger Jane said...

Dear Anonymous,

We would love to have you get a copy of the book "My Utmost for His Highest" (only $5.00 at most Christian book stores) and follow along with us.

5:40 AM  

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