Friday, July 21, 2006

Wow!! We've read the whole book!!!

It's hard to believe that we have been discussing the My Utmost for His Highest devotional for a whole year now. If you log on and want to read any comments on the day's lesson, please go back and check the archives. If you want to read today's lesson, go to and input today's month and date in the appropriate box.

My prayer is that all the children of my heart will continue to strive to be your utmost for His Highest!!!

I love you all!!
Mama Jane

1 comment:

  1. I saw your blog just today, the 2nd of Nov 2012 (in the context of the word Enternal in My Utmost of 25th Oct.). The correct word is Eternal.
    I hope you are continuing to read this book My Utmost For His Highest, as with every reading you glean new insights. Intrigued that you chose to use "Utmost For His Highest" on your site as title, the word My being left out ! I have been associated for the last 5 years (pro bono) in putting this great book into languages of my country, India. We have done it in 4 so far ! Our cover has a visual- A prostrating figure to represent/depict 'My Utmost" and a Cross to represent/depict "His Highest". Chambers seems to be saying through this book that My Utmost is achieved through Submission (especially of our Will) and His Highest is represented by His Cross (which is all too often neglected in preaching. has been refurbished beautifully and gives you access to the Classic and Updated Versions of the book
